Usage Examples

Simple Measurement

This examples shows a simple measurement script, using a Stanford Research Systems LockIn amplifier and is discussed in more detail in the Quickstart section.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time

from slave.srs import SR830
from slave.transport import Visa

lockin = SR830(Visa('GPIB::08'))
lockin.frequency = 22.08
lockin.amplitude = 5.0
lockin.reserve = 'high'
for i in xrange(60):
    print lockin.x

Magnetotransport Measurement

In this example, we assume a sample with standard four terminal wiring is placed inside a Quantum Desing PPMS. We’re using our own Lock-In amlifier to measure the resistance as a function of temperature.

"""This example shows a measurement routine for a custom magnetotransport setup
in the [P]hysical [P]roperties [M]easurement [S]ystem PPMS Model 6000.

import datetime

import visa

from slave.quantum_design import PPMS
from slave.sr830 import SR830
from slave.transport import Visa # pyvisa wrapper
from slave.misc import Measurement

# Connect to the lockin amplifier and the ppms
lockin = SR830(Visa('GPIB::10'))
ppms = PPMS(Visa('GPIB::15'))

    # Configure the lockin amplifier
    lockin.frequency = 22.08  # Use a detection frequency of 22.08 Hz
    lockin.amplitude = 5.0    # and an amplitude of 5 V.
    lockin.reserve = 'low'
    lockin.time_constant = 3

    # Set the ppms temperature to 10 K, cooling with a rate of 20 K per min.
    ppms.set_temperature(10, 20, wait_for_stability=True)
    # Now sweep slowly to avoid temperature instabilities.
    ppms.set_temperature(1.2, 0.5, wait_for_stability=True)
    # Set a magnetic field of 1 T at a rate of 150 mT per second and set the magnet
    # in persistent mode.
    # Note: The PPMS uses Oersted instead of Tesla. 1 Oe = 0.1 mT.
    ppms.set_field(10000, 150, mode='persistent', wait_for_stability=True)

    # Set the appropriate gain. (We're assuming the measured voltage decreases
    # with increasing temperature.

    # Define the measurement parameters
    parameters = [
        lambda:, # Get timestamp
        lambda: lockin.x,
        lambda: lockin.y,
        lambda: ppms.temperature,
    # Finally start the measurement, using the Measurement helper class as a
    # context manager (This automatically closes the measurement file).
    with Measurement('1.2K-300K_1T.dat', measure=parameters) as measurement:
        ppms.scan_temperature(measurement, 300, 0.5)
except Exception, e:
    # Catch possible errors and print a message.
    print 'An error occured:', e
    # Finally put the ppms in standby mode.