Asynchronous IO


This is currently not working!

Slave has a built-in compatibility layer for the tornado framework. It is currently in an early state and only socket transports are supported. Nevertheless, it is already usable. The following examples will show how to make use of it.

A simple asynchronous poller

In this example we will implement a simple, basically useless, asynchronous poller to explain the concept. It simply prints out the polled value. We will extend this example to implement a monitor with a web interface.

from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback
from tornado.gen import coroutine

import slave.async
# Monkey patch slave to use the asynchronous implementation

# Due to the call to `patch()`, the driver and the transport automatically
# use the asynchronous implementation.
from slave.sr7230 import SR7230
from slave.transport import TCPIPDevice

lockin1 = SR7230(TCPIPDevice(''))

def show(fn):
    def print_fn():
        value = yield fn()
        print value
    return print_fn

ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.Instance()
poller = [
    # poll the x voltage every 2 seconds, the sensitivity every 5.
    PeriodicCallback(show(lambda: lockin1.x), 2000),
    PeriodicCallback(show(lambda: lockin1.sensitivity), 5000)
for p in poller:
